Imgur cracks down on explicit content

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Ubiquitous photo-sharing site Imgur has changed its terms of service to remove explicit images and old content, effective May 15. The move brings the entire site’s policies in line with Imgur’s Community Rules, which already banned nudity and explicit content.

“Explicit/Pornographic content was previously permitted to be on Imgur, but not when submitted as a comment or as a gallery submission. This caused frustration with users who received content violations for the content they have seen posted elsewhere off-site,” states the TOS update. “Explicit and illegal content have historically posed a risk to Imgur’s community and its business.” By removing this content, Imgur hopes to “protect the future of the Imgur community.”

Users can still submit artistic nudes to the site: “Artistic nudity will continue to be permitted, as it was permitted under the Rules previously – however, since we’re calibrating automated detection in these early stages, some content that may have been permitted under “artistic exceptions” previously may not apply here.”

This is not the first time the site has moved to restrict explicit content. In 2019, Imgur declared it would no longer allow hosting for NSFW Reddit communities.